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About Us

Neural Pathways is an independent provider of bespoke rehabilitation to people following life changing injury.

We provide bespoke, goal orientated inter-professional rehabilitation.

Our reputation is built on our ability to identify an individual’s potential to change at any stage of their rehabilitation journey. Following comprehensive assessment, we deliver flexible, integrated therapy, building individualised and sustainable rehabilitation in accordance with their goals.

Our teams provide both gym based and community rehabilitation. We have a hub in Gateshead equipped with both traditional and state of the art equipment, allowing us to provide a spectrum of therapeutic intervention to meet the needs of our client.

Community therapy can be provided wherever the person lives; we cover from Cumbria to North Yorkshire and also have operatives based in Scotland and the Midlands. We aim to work across boundaries, working alongside families, carers and the wider rehabilitation team, to ensure the person’s goals are realistic and solutions focussed. Meaningful reintegration can then be facilitated to enhance engagement in activities and fulfil goals set.

We provide bespoke, goal orientated inter-professional rehabilitation.

At Neural Pathways we begin by listening. We listen to the client, the people who love and support them and the people who care for them on a day to day basis. We also listen to people who have worked alongside the client including the wider team of agencies and services that might have helped them on their rehabilitation journey.

We aim to see the bigger picture without missing the smaller details. We will continue to listen to the client and the people around them during their journey and will make sure that the client understands their rehabilitation and feels central to all decisions that are made.

We never say never

The whole team are passionate about what we do and are determined to help each client reach their full potential. We take pride in thinking outside the box and remain both optimistic and realistic to achieve effective and successful long term relationships with all that we work alongside.

We strive for excellence and want our rehabilitation to be leading the way. Leading the way in client centred neurorehabilitation, leading the way in using new treatments and technologies, leading the way in measuring outcomes, leading the way in life changing sustainable results.

We know that rehabilitation is an investment. By ensuring therapy is addressing the things an individual is motivated to change and is delivered in the environment in which they function, we can optimise outcomes and ensure value for money.

At Neural Pathways we are only as good as our last outcomes. Efficiency is built in to our rehabilitation programmes due to the flexible way in which we use our team. By guaranteeing that treatment is delivered by the right team member, with the right skills, at the right intensity, we aim to minimise the length of time rehabilitation is required for.

Our quality assurance systems are transparent and robust and we are accountable and responsible, celebrating when things go right and learning when things go wrong. When we assess a client, we aim to provide a clinically meaningful assessment of needs, whether we are the treating team or not. If we assess a client and we are not the right team to meet that client’s needs, we will tell you and help you find out who is.

We provide therapy for adults and children with any neurological condition including

With many years of experience in the field, we know that opportunities for change exist no matter what stage a client is at in their rehabilitation. We believe that under the right circumstances and with the right support, rehabilitation can make a big difference.

Emphasis is placed on achievement and success whilst recognising limitations and encouraging creative thinking to overcome them where possible. We are happy to work alongside other therapy providers, with people whose needs are too complex to be met by non-specialist providers or fill gaps in statutory services where they occur.

We understand that the client knows most about their day to day problems. We use a self-management approach to rehabilitation whenever this is possible, and are happy to design and run client, family and care team education sessions as required.


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